The perfect baby boomer fitness program should look like this:

I wanted to give an example of what the perfect baby boomer fitness program should look like. If you’re a Baby Boomer whose goals are general fitness and good health, this is the perfect program for you. I’ve been a personal trainer for over 25 years and most of my clients have always been the ageless baby boomers, so I know what works for them.
Most people have a big misconception about how much time you really have to spend working out in a week to be fit. As long as you control your weight with your diet, which is what I generally recommend, you don’t have to work out that much to be in good shape. Plus, if you already live an active lifestyle, you are already half way there.
The goal of this program is to increase your lean muscle mass, improve your cardiovascular system and keep yourself flexible and agile. You will be doing some type of aerobic activity two or three times per week to improve your cardiovascular system. You will be doing resistance training exercise two days per week to improve your muscular strength and increase your lean muscle mass. You will be moving in all plains of motion a couple of times per week to increase your flexibility and agility.
As long as you’re eating a proper diet made up of whole natural foods you don’t have to spend hours in the gym burning off unwanted calories. You can work out not just to burn calories but instead to create more lean muscle, a strong heart and a flexibility body.
Baby Boomer Fitness Program:
- Aerobics 2 to 3 times per week for 30 minutes. Walk, bike, swim or anything aerobic for 30 minutes at your target heart rate.
- Resistance training 2 days per week. Training your whole body with resistance exercises for 30 minutes, either at the gym or at home with resistance bands or free weights.
- Dynamic movements 2 days per week for 10 minutes. Full body callisthenic type movements in all plains of motion will keep you flexible and agile.
For example:
Day 1 – Aerobics Training 30 minutes
Day 2 – Resistance Training 30 minutes
Day 3 – Dynamic Movements 10 minutes
Day 4 – Aerobics Training 30 minutes
Day 5 – Resistance Training 30 minutes
Day 6 – Aerobics Training 30 minutes
Day 7 – Dynamic Movements 10 minutes
As you can see with the right baby boomer fitness program it does not take too much time to be fit and live a happy and healthy lifestyle.
Best – Mike Cola