#140You: Exploring the State of Health, Wellness, Fitness and Food

#140You will be taking place on June 18-19 in New York City at the 92Y. This conference is taking a personal look at how things in the health, wellness, fitness and food sectors are affecting us.
There will be two days filled with people sharing their journeys and others sharing their perspectives and their voices on these topics. There will be authors and doctors and people whose life passion is to be involved in these sectors. I am looking forward to the personal connections our delegates will be making in NYC on June 18/19.
Jeff Pulver writes, “The “Law of Readiness” says people aren’t ready until they’re ready, no matter what. So maybe I wasn’t ready to make a change in my life until I did last July. If anyone you know is in a similar position, I hope they soon discover the magic in store for them when they decide to take a proactive role in their future health and wellness.
It’s taken me many years to get to where I was ready to take charge of my life again. The past 9 months has been nothing short of transformative. I believe the conference curation, the speakers, and the community that we have confirmed to date will make #140You equally transformative.”
For more information on #140you … http://nyc2013.stateofnow.com/