23 Health and Fitness Resources You May Have Missed

by Nicole McDermott from The Greatist
Still recovering from a massive Thanksgiving feast? Take some time to mull over this week’s best in health, fitness, and happiness (and some creative recipes for that fridge full of leftovers).
Also be sure to check out our new addition to the roundup, Editor’s Picks, for our must-reads and need-to-knows this week. From The Greatist Family to yours, we hope you had a tasty and family-filled Thanksgiving.
Editor’s Picks This Week
The 38 Best Healthy and Happy Festivals Move over, funnel cake and deep-fried Ho-Hos; there’s a new breed of festival in town. These 38 events are bringing people together to get fit, healthy, and happy — and, trust us, they’re doing it without sacrificing fun.
5-Hour Energy: How Safe Is It Really? Necessary evil, or death-in-a-can? Energy drinks like 5-Hour Energy and Red Bull have been in the news recently after the FDA possibly linked them to 13 deaths. Read on to find out how dangerous these energy-boosting beverages actually are.
How Creativity Can Make Us Happier Not everyone’s a Mozart or a Picasso, but anyone can be creative. Research suggests creative work makes us happier and healthier — so start thinking outside the box!
How to Travel Green For the Holidays This holiday season, give Mother Nature a gift by going green when it comes to travel. We’ve got all the tips and tricks to minimize an environmental footprint without sacrificing fun.
Thanksgiving Rumble: How to Play Flag Football In honor of Thanksgiving, Greatist invites readers to get active and play a friendly game of flag football. It’s a spin-off of the traditional American sport that is just as fun with no tackling required!
Carol of the “Basketballs” — An NBA Holiday Special Holiday shopping is upon us, and the NBA is getting in on the rush with a new — clever! — video. Watch NBA all-stars “perform” a Christmas classic just by dribbling.
How James Bond Jumps Onto Moving Trains (And Other Stunts) James Bond, the legendary figure that stands for all things studly, sauve, and manly pulls pulls some serious stunt work in the action flicks. The success of the dangerous scenes has a lot less to do with special effects, and more to do with workouts, and pro stuntmen.
Poster: Clear Your Mind of Can’t Not quite feeling it today? We’ve got the perfect reminder to make any day awesome — no matter what life throws your way.
Happy Thanksgiving: The Health Benefits of Giving Thanks While we should give thanks on Thanksgiving, don’t save all the appreciation for one holiday. Gratitude can make us happier, healthier, and strengthen relationships year-round.
How to Cook the Perfect Thanksgiving Turkey We’ve got the insider scoop to perfecting this year’s Thanksgiving centerpiece. Read this before you buy, prep, cook, and serve that (delicious, juicy, heavenly) turkey.
Recipe: Brussels Sprout and Sweet Potato Hash The perfect veggie-filled healthy meal appropriate for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
The Total Guide to Men’s Shaving Health This #Movember Every guy could shave a little better, and this guide is gonna show you how. Greatist talked to master barbers in New York about the history of the ‘stache and how to shave better and healthier.
Healthy Living From Around the Web #imagreatist The #imagreatist community is motivating everyone to make healthier choices, especially around the holidays. From killer workouts to clean eating, here are some inspiring choices greatists have made this week.
60 Healthier Drinks for Boozing Shots, spritzers, cocktails, and more — we rounded up 60 of the healthiest drink recipes out there.
32 Healthy Recipes for Thanksgiving Leftovers No boring sandwiches or turkey soups on this list! We’ve rounded up our favorite creative and healthy ways to rework Thanksgiving leftovers.
This Is One Serving: Thanksgiving Favorites Chances are we’ll want a little (or a lot) of everything on the Thanksgiving table — but when it comes to proper portion size, what’s juuust right? The results may surprise you!
The 4-Hour Chef: Tim Ferriss’ Crazy, Brilliant Cookbook A lot of cook books come packed with recipes and advice, but the “The 4-Hour Chef” from best-selling author Tim Ferriss aims to turn anyone into a cooking pro in just weeks. Read on to see if it’s worth your time this Christmas.
How to Enjoy Thanksgiving On Any Diet Some of us salivate at the thought of Thanksgiving dinner. But, for others, dietary restrictions can make the holiday celebration a stressful mess. Luckily, we’ve put together a guide to navigating the Thanksgiving table — for pretty much any diet.
Does Turkey Make You Sleepy? We’ve all heard of tryptophan, but the science of Turkey Day sleepiness might not be so simple. Here, the Greatist team tackles the issue.
The Greatist Table: 5 Healthy Butternut Squash Recipes Forget the Thanksgiving stuffing/pie/turkey/potatoes! This week, we’re feeling butternut squash. Here are our favorite recipes from around the web.
Flying for Thanksgiving? Al Gore Feels Your Pain Travel during any holiday can be a total headache. It’s ok, we hear you, and so does Al Gore. Find out what the former Vice President thinks in this quote.
Why Am I Tired After Eating a Big Meal? After gobbling down that massive Thanksgiving dinner, it’s pretty common to turn into a sleepy couch potato. But research shows there’s more to blame than just the tryptophan in turkey.
Recipe: Healthier Mashed “Potatoes” Need an alternate for the classic white mashed potatoes? Try this inventive substitute for a healthier (and equally delicious) side dish.
Get more great fitness and health tips at: http://greatist.com/